def on_trading_iteration#
This lifecycle method contains the main trading logic. When the market opens, it will be executed in a loop. After each iteration, the strategy will sleep for self.sleeptime minutes. If no crash or interuption, the loop will be stopped self.minutes_before_closing minutes before market closes and will restart on the next day when market opens again.
class MyStrategy(Strategy):
def on_trading_iteration(self):
# pull data
# check if should buy an asset based on data
# if condition, buy/sell asset
- lumibot.strategies.strategy.Strategy.on_trading_iteration(self)#
Use this lifecycle method for your main trading loop. This method is called every self.sleeptime minutes (or seconds/hours/days if self.sleeptime is “30S”, “1H”, “1D”, etc.).
>>> def on_trading_iteration(self): >>> self.log_message("Hello") >>> order = self.create_order("SPY", 10, "buy") >>> self.submit_order(order)